Original design made by parappa-and-lammy and skylerosstuff. With the purchase of my new iPad Pro Lammy has respect for the fire department in ParappaTown after Stage 2. She always brings over pizza when she is feeling generous. Lammy had been supportive of Captain Fussenpepper deciding to retire and helps him out sometimes.
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Um Jammer Lammy/うんじゃまらみ: After The Concert [After-Story Headcanon #1]
Kitacon IV I would like to make it curl under a bit more, but I'll see if I can do that later. Only the horns and ears to go now!
I didn't keep up with it - I chose to play the clarinet instead - but it was fun! Do you play any instruments? I'm feeling so attacked right now" Lammy: kokorichaaan Nutty: xeminoe happytreefriends happytreefriendscosplay htf htfcosplay htfandom lammy lammycosplay nutty nuttycosplay mrpickles cosplay germancosplay cosplayersofinstagram cosplaygirls sayuricosplay. She doesn't even notice" Lammy: "wh-what? That is my pickle?!!!