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Japan world domination

December Former Japanese prime minister and minister of war Hideki Tojo - takes the stand to testify in his own defense at the war crimes trial in Tokyo. Tojo was convicted and executed. And it explains why arguments with China and South Korea over islands of questionable value have turned into volatile confrontations. Now comes author Thomas U. Berger to explain why Japan is viewed as so unrepentant. In a new book, War, Guilt and Politics After World War II , Berger says a complex web of culture, politics, geography and shifting notions of justice have made it more difficult for the Japanese to apologize for past transgressions than other societies.
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World Domination [Limited Edition] (Vinyl) (Band-Maid)

The World at War: Economic Background While the United States was still struggling to emerge from the Great Depression at the end of the s, and would do so partly because of the war, Japan had emerged from its own period of depression, which had begun in , by the mids. Many of the young soldiers mobilized into the Japanese army by the early s came from the rural areas, where the effects of the depression were devastating and poverty was widespread. Their commitment to the military effort to expand Japanese territory to achieve economic security can be understood partly in these terms. The depression ended in the mids in Japan partly because of government deficits used to expand greatly both heavy industry and the military. Internationally, this was a time when "free trade" was in disrepute. The great powers not only jealously protected their special economic rights within their colonies and spheres of influence, but sought to bolster their sagging economies through high tariffs, dumping of goods, and other trade manipulation. The Japanese, with few natural resources, sought to copy this pattern.
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Japan Takes Over the World

By , the Axis powers seemed invincible. But the course of the war soon changed in ways that offer lessons for the U. The tide turned when the Axis leaders overreached and the Allies steered their more massive economies and populations into wartime mode.
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World Domination is the fifth studio album by Japanese all-female rock band Band-Maid. It was released on February 14, , and was supported with the World Domination Tour The international version of the album from JPU Records includes English lyric translations, Romaji transliterations and bonus track " Honey ". Kobato made the lyrics with a strong sense of a scene where everyone is having a good time.
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