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Sperm came out while peeing

A few nights ago I was urinating and I suddenly felt as if something came into my penis and caused a really bad burning sensation. When I finished urinating, I noticed that I was bleeding. My doctor prescribed antibiotics, and the bleeding and burning sensation were reduced, but now the symptoms seem to be coming back. Do you have any thoughts about what this could be and how I should proceed with treatment? What you are describing is called terminal hematuria, or bleeding at the end of the urinary stream.
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Common Pee Problems That May Be Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate

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Weak Stream? Pee Problems? It Could Be Your Prostate | imaware™

Trying to conceive is a total mind-game. Good news: sperm are way faster than you think. However, sperm cells remain in the urethra for hours after a man has ejaculated. In fact, a recent study found that four hours after ejaculation, viable sperm cells are found in the urethra and the urethral fluids of 70 percent of men. So, while post-ejaculate cowper's fluid isn't semen, in most men, it definitely will contain sperm," Abudr-Rahman explains to Romper. And all it takes is one.
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Skip navigation! Story from Body. Even if you've never actually seen semen , you probably have some idea of what it looks like — it's whitish-grey and gel-like.
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Using this site sets cookies - our Cookies Policy. Continued use indicates your consent. What comes to mind when you think of sexual bodily fluids? Does the idea of semen or vaginal discharge turn you on or turn your stomach? We all have different feelings towards the body and its fluids, ranging from light-hearted and positive to deeply shameful and disturbing.
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