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Honeys in bikinis

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NYC subway train is turned into pool party with booze, twerking girls in bikinis and DJ

By Joseph Michalitsianos For Dailymail. A New York City subway train became the scene of an impromptu party, complete with women twerking in bikinis, downing shots of liquor and taking to a carriage-floor slip n' slide. The dancers, who are believed to have been on an L train, bounced from passenger to passenger while taking breaks to play in the DIY paddling pool they had set up and taking turns on the homemade slip 'n slide.
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Looking for swimsuit inspiration? You'll snap right into that summer mood with all of the inspo you're about to get. From bright bikinis to retro one-piece swimsuits , your favorite celebs know how to make a style statement any time they hit the beach we're looking at you, Hailey Bieber.
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