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Sex positions christian view

Rob Toornstra. Someone approached me not long ago, wondering what the Bible says about sexual activity that lies outside of sexual intercourse. Is sexual experimentation a compromise with the world? Or may Christians feel free to explore ways of spicing up life in their bedroom? However, neither does Scripture leave us without guidance as we navigate how we may — and may not — enjoy our sexuality.
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What Does the Bible Say About Different Sex Positions ?

When our fellow humans give us gifts, we are not being told or instructed on how or when to use such gifts. Once you are in possession of the gift s , you have the liberty to use it when and how it suits you. This also relates with sex. Sex is one of the greatest gifts by God to married people; and we all know that everything God created is perfect and good. God is the originator of sex and He permits the act to be done within the confines of marriage. A certain pastor released a video, narrating that in a vision, God took him to hell fire.
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What does the Bible say about? Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband.
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The correct Roman Catholic sexual position is not, as many might imagine, missionary, infrequent and with the lights out, but "saucy, surprising and fantasy packed". The bleak traditional view was St Paul's injunction to the Corinthians: "It is better to marry than to burn with passion. The first edition of the book by Father Ksawery Knotz, a Franciscan from a monastery outside Krakow, titled Seks in very large letters and "for married couples who love God" in rather smaller type, has sold out and is being hastily reprinted in Warsaw. They can employ manual and oral stimulation. His book has the blessing of the Polish Catholic church and follows the orthodox line in many ways: he firmly addresses only married couples and discourages the use of any form of contraception, saying it can "lead a married couple outside of Catholic culture and into a completely different lifestyle".
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