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Voyeurism is the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity , or other actions usually considered to be of a private nature. The term comes from the French voir which means "to see". A male voyeur is commonly labelled as "Peeping Tom" or a "Jags", a term which originates from the Lady Godiva legend. The American Psychiatric Association has classified certain voyeuristic fantasies, urges and behaviour patterns as a paraphilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual DSM-IV if the person has acted on these urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. In order to be diagnosed with voyeuristic disorder the symptoms must persist for over six months and the person in question must be over the age of
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Voyeurism - Wikipedia

Exhibitionism involves exposing the genitals to become sexually excited or having a strong desire to be observed by other people during sexual activity. Exhibitionistic disorder involves acting on exhibitionistic urges or fantasies or being distressed by or unable to function because of those urges and fantasies. Doctors diagnose exhibitionist disorder when people feel greatly distressed or become less able to function well because of their behavior, or they have acted on their urges with a person who does not consent. Treatment, which usually begins after exhibitionists are arrested, includes psychotherapy, support groups, and certain antidepressants. See also Overview of Paraphilias and Paraphilic Disorders. Exhibitionists usually males expose their genitals, usually to unsuspecting strangers, and become sexually excited when doing so.
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Exhibitionist & Voyeur Stories Hub

Sharing personal information brings people closer together. Verified by Psychology Today. All About Sex.
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There are two sexual behaviors that tend to get really severe reactions. And the irony is that most adults are guilty of them — even if only to a certain degree — and on a regular basis. Exhibitionism and voyeurism refer to a wide range of behaviors — from completely consensual and harmless to illegal. The sexual acts they encompass are popular themes in erotic dreams, sexual fantasy and role-playing.
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