The vertical distribution of leaf area for individual trees was polymodal while that for the canopy as a whole was adequately described by the curve for a normal distribution with the inclusion of a term for positive skewness. The fitted curve defined the midpoint of the canopy at a height of The fitted curve explained 90 per cent of the variation and the estimates of the parameters were close to the measured values. Using previous measurements showing that needle production and fall could be described by linear regression equations, a model was developed to predict the annual changes of current and old needles in a closed canopy. The maximum LAI at Thetford was 2.
Are Indian indices mature? How do they measure vis-à-vis global peers
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Annals of Forest Science. A series of conventional distance-independent and distance-dependent competition indices, a highly flexible distance-dependent crowding index, and two light resource estimation indices were compared to predict individual tree diameter growth of five species of mature trees from natural-origin boreal mixed forests. The crowding index was the superior index for most species and ecosites. However, distance-independent indices, such as basal area of competing trees, were also effective.