A Mind Of Her Own: The Evolutionary Psychology of Women
“Yes, but…” Answers to Ten Common Criticisms of Evolutionary Psychology – The Evolution Institute
A few years ago, I was giving an invited presentation to an audience of mostly sociologists and family studies professors on the topic of evolution and human reproductive strategies. I kid you not, I could see rows of people who looked genuinely horrified. It seems to me many critics of evolutionary psychology cling steadfastly to false stereotypes of the field, both theoretical and empirical. Add to that the methodological breadth of different techniques used by evolutionary scholars to test hypotheses about the adaptive design of the human mind, and it is understandably difficult to know what all evolutionary researchers have been, and currently are, up to as active Darwinian scientists. Perhaps more than other social scientists, evolutionary psychologists use an incredible variety of research methods, ranging from self-report surveys and behavioral field test experiments, to investigations involving genetics, hormones, and neuroscience, to cross-species and cross-cultural comparisons, to ethnographies of foraging societies and computer modeling of artificial intelligences [2] [3] [4]. Now, in science extreme skepticism is generally a good thing. Sometimes, though, this attitude is more than healthy skepticism about a particular empirical finding and is, instead, clearly an attitude of irrefutable empirical nihilism toward evolutionary psychology studies in particular.
A Mind Of Her Own: The Evolutionary Psychology of Women
The Dating Mind: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists , the world was granted its first exclusive introduction to the steadily growing dating coach and pick-up artist community. Many of its most prominent authorities claim to use insights and information gleaned both through first-hand experience as well as empirical research in evolutionary psychology. One of the industrys most well-respected authorities, the illusionist Erik von Markovik, promotes a three-phase model of human courtship:.
J-4 avant le lancement! Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture is a book edited by emerging anthropologists Jerome H. Barkow and Psychology Tooby and the psychologist Leda Cosmides. The evolutionary also includes empirical research papers meant to introduce topics science interest in evolutionary psychology, such as mating , social and developmental psychology , and perceptual adaptations.